Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Random Thought

9/11 10 anniversary passed - no issues happened - but the terrorists sure were creative in coming up with a new angle to sow terror - one has to wonder whats being plotted that we haven't even thought of yet...  I hope the CIA, NSNA and any other alphabet agencies are being creative in their thinking but one has to wonder if the "suits" an think like that - maybe they need hollywood involved.  Just so they keep my family safe - I love them so.

Morning Rock Star

Up at 4 AM today meeting with my team.  Downing a morning Rock Star for some energy.  Projects are picking up and lots to do.  FlowBright project has to launch today - gotta keep everyone focused on making it happen.  Kids up at 7 AM.  Sweet boy doesn't want to get up today and head out.  Football has him wiped out.  The other two are up and cheery as usual.  Now if I could just get them to all focus on chores - ug - I am going to hear it from Val soon.

Must say - gotta love NetFlix.  Working and watching grade B movies I find an pick out makes for fighting the monotony of the day.  This one is rather interesting - Wedding Daze - it could happen.  Girlfriend dies, random beautiful red head agrees to marry you - its mildly funny.